Enumerates highlighted strings. You can send this message explicitly or use the Editor_EnumHighlight inline function.
wParam = (WPARAM) (size_t) cchBuf;
lParam = (LPARAM) (LPWSTR) pBuf;
Specifies the size of the buffer in characters. Note that two null characters will be added at the end of the list of highlighted strings. If 0 is specified, this message returns the size necessary to retrieve the list of highlighted strings.
Specifies the pointer to the buffer to retrieve the list of highlighted strings. In this buffer, the list of highlighted strings each separated by a null character will be retrieved. Two null characters will be added at the end of the list of highlighted strings. If 0 is specified, pBuf can be NULL.
The first character of each string represents the color and a combination of the following values.
From 0 to 9 | color. Use HIGHLIGHT_COLOR_MASK for mask. |
HIGHLIGHT_WORD | whole world only. |
HIGHLIGHT_RIGHT_SIDE | highlight right side. |
HIGHLIGHT_INSIDE_TAG | inside tag only. |
HIGHLIGHT_REG_EXP | regular expression. |
HIGHLIGHT_CASE | match case. |
HIGHLIGHT_RIGHT_ALL | highlight right all. |
Return Values¶
The return value is the size necessary to retrieve the list of highlighted strings.
Supported on Version 7.00 or later.