Creates a pivot table in the CSV document. You can use this inline function or explicitly send the EE_PIVOT_TABLE message.
HRESULT Editor_PivotTable( HWND hwnd, int iRow, int iColumn, int iValue, UINT nFlags, UINT nSortRow, UINT nSortColumn, LPCWSTR pszLocale, LPCWSTR pszTotalRowLabel, LPCWSTR pszTotalColLabel, int nDecimalPlaces ); hwnd Specifies the window handle of the view or frame of EmEditor. iRow Specifies the index of the column of the CSV document to be extended to the rows in a new pivot table. iColumn Specifies the index of the column of the CSV document to be extended to the columns in a new pivot table. iValue Specifies the index of the column of the CSV document to be extended to the values in a new pivot table. nFlags Specifies a combination of following values. PIVOT_TYPE_COUNT The number of values. PIVOT_TYPE_SUM The sum of the values. PIVOT_TYPE_AVERAGE The average of the values. PIVOT_TYPE_MAX The largest value. PIVOT_TYPE_MIN The smallest value. PIVOT_FLAG_TOTAL_ROW Displays the total row values. PIVOT_FLAG_TOTAL_COL Displays the total column values. nSortRow Specifies a combination of sort flags be applied to the row. If this is 0, no sort will be performed. Value Meaning NORM_IGNORECASE Case is ignored. NORM_IGNOREKANATYPE Hiragana and Katakana characters compare as equal. NORM_IGNORENONSPACE Nonspacing characters are ignored. NORM_IGNORESYMBOLS Symbols are ignored. NORM_IGNOREWIDTH The difference between half-width and full-width characters is ignored. SORT_BINARY_COMPARISON Fast binary comparison is used to sort. The locale information is ignored. SORT_DATE Sorts date and time. SORT_DIGITSASNUMBERS Digits are sorted as numbers even when sorted by alphabetical order. SORT_ENABLED Sorts split strings. SORT_IGNORE_PREFIX Leading non-numeric characters are ignored when using Sort Smallest to Largest or Sort Largest to Smallest commands. SORT_IPV4 Sorts IPv4 addresses. SORT_IPV6 Sorts IPv6 addresses. SORT_LENGTH Sorts strings by the number of characters. SORT_LENGTH_VIEW Full width characters are treated as 2 characters when using Sort Shortest to Longest or Sort Longest to Shortest commands. SORT_NUM Sorts numbers. SORT_GROUP_IDENTICAL Groups identical strings when sorted by occurrence. Must be specified with SORT_OCCURRENCE. SORT_OCCURRENCE Sorts by occurrence. SORT_STABLE Stable sort is used. The stable sort maintains the relative order of records. The stable sort is usually slower. SORT_STRINGSORT Punctuation marks are treated the same as symbols. SORT_TEXT Sorts text. SORT_WORDS Sorts strings by the number of words. nSortColumn Specifies a combination of sort flags to be applied to the column. If this is 0, no sort will be performed. The flags are the same as the nSortRow parameter. pszLocale Specifies the locale used for sorting, for example: "en-US". If this is empty or omitted, the locale specified in the Sort page of the Customize dialog box is used. pszTotalRowLabel Specifies the heading label for the total row values. This parameter is used only if PIVOT_FLAG_TOTAL_ROW is specified in the nFlags parameter. pszTotalColLabel Specifies the heading label for the total column values. This parameter is used only if PIVOT_FLAG_TOTAL_COL is specified in the nFlags parameter. nDecimalPlaces Specifies the decimal places of the values. The return value is a negative value if it fails. Supported on Version 21.4 or later.Parameters¶
Return Values¶