Retrieves the filter strings and settings for the current document. You can use this inline function or explicitly send the EE_GET_FILTER message.
Editor_GetFilter( HWND hwnd, int iFilter, LPWSTR pszFilter, UINT cchFilter, int* piColumn, UINT64* pnFlags, INT_PTR* pxBegin, INT_PTR* pxEnd ) hwnd Specifies the window handle of the view or frame of EmEditor. pszFilter Specifies a buffer to retrieve the filter string. cchFilter Specifies the size of the buffer in characters to retrieve the filter string. piColumn Specifies the pointer to the integer to retrieve the index of the column of the text where the filter is applied. This index becomes -1 if the whole lines are searched for the filter. pnFlags Specifies the pointer to the 64-bit integer to retrieve the flags. The retrieved flags can be a combination of the following values. FLAG_FIND_CASE Matches cases. FLAG_FIND_ESCAPE Uses escape sequences. FLAG_FIND_LOGICAL_OR Specifies a logical disjunction (logical OR) to the previous level in case of multiple levels of the filter. FLAG_FIND_NEGATIVE Shows the Filter toolbar and excludes the lines that match the specified string. FLAG_FIND_ONLY_WORD Searches only words. FLAG_FIND_REG_EXP Uses a regular expression. pxBegin Specifies the pointer to the integer to retrieve the index of beginning of the column (in logical characters) of the text to be searched. This value can be -1 if the last portion of the text should be counted as specified as xEnd. pxEnd Specifies the pointer to the integer to retrieve the index of ending of the column (in logical characters) of the text to be searched. This value can be -1 if all the rest of the text should be searched. The return value
is TRUE if the iFilter is 0 or larger and the message was successful. The return value is the number of filters if the iFilter is -1. Supported on EmEditor Professional Version 16.0 or later.Parameters¶
Return Values¶