InsertFromFile Method (Selection Object)

Inserts the contents of the specified file at the cursor position.


document.selection.InsertFromFile( strFileName, nEncoding, nFlags );


document.selection.InsertFromFile strFileName, nEncoding, nFlags
Specifies the full path and name of the file to be opened.
Selects from the[Encoding Constants](../const/constencoding),
or specify any code page used in the Windows Operating System.
Specifies a combination of the following values:
|     |     |
| --- | --- |
| eeOpenDetectUnicode | Detects Unicode signature (BOM). |
| eeOpenDetectUTF8 | Detects UTF-8. |
| eeOpenDetectCharset | Detects HTML/XML Charset. |
| eeOpenDetectAll | Detects all encodings. |


Supported on EmEditor Professional Version 4.00 or later.