FileDialog Method (Editor Object)¶
Displays an Open or Save As dialog box that lets the user specify the drive,
directory, and the name of a file to open. nType Specifies one of the following values. eeFileDialogOpen Creates an Open dialog box. eeFileDialogSaveAs Creates a Save As dialog box. nFlags Optional. Specifies a combination of the following values. eeFileDialogCreatePrompt If the user specifies a file that does not exist, this flag causes the dialog box to prompt the user for permission to create the file. eeFileDialogDontAddToRecent Prevents the system from adding a link to the selected file in the file system directory that contains the user's most recently used documents. eeFileDialogFileMustExist Specifies that the user can type only names of existing files in the File Name entry field. If this flag is specified and the user enters an invalid name, the dialog box procedure displays a warning in a message box. If this flag is specified, the eeFileDialogPathMustExist flag is also used. eeFileDialogNoChangeDir Restores the current directory to its original value if the user changed the directory while searching for files. eeFileDialogNoDereferenceLinks Directs the dialog box to return the path and file name of the selected shortcut (.LNK) file. If this value is not specified, the dialog box returns the path and file name of the file referenced by the shortcut. eeFileDialogNoNetworkButton Hides and disables the Network button. eeFileDialogNoReadOnlyReturn Specifies that the returned file does not have the Read Only check box selected and is not in a write-protected directory. eeFileDialogNoTestFileCreate Specifies that the file is not created before the dialog box is closed. eeFileDialogNoValidate Specifies that the common dialog boxes allow invalid characters in the returned file name. eeFileDialogOverwritePrompt Causes the Save As dialog box to generate a message box if the selected file already exists. eeFileDialogPathMustExist Specifies that the user can type only valid paths and file names. eeFileDialogShareAware Specifies that if the function fails because of a network sharing violation, the error is ignored and the dialog box returns the selected file name. strTitle Optional. Specifies the title of the dialog box. If this is an empty string, the
default title (Open or Save As) is used. strFilter Optional. Specifies the filter. The string must be in the following format: "Text Files|*.txt|All Files|*.*||" If this is an empty string, no filter is used. nDefFilterIndex Optional. Specifies the one-base index of the initially selected filter. strDefPath Optional. Specifies the initially selected path. strDefFolder Optional. Specifies the initially selected folder. strDefExt Optional. Specifies the default file extension. Returns the full path and name of the selected file when successful. Returns an empty string if the user selects the Cancel button. Supported on EmEditor Professional Version 8.00 or later.¶
strFileName = editor.FileDialog( nType [, nFlags [, strTitle [, strFilter [, nDefFilterIndex [, strDefPath [, strDefFolder [, strDefExt ]]]]]]] );
strFileName = editor.FileDialog( nType [, nFlags [, strTitle [, strFilter [, nDefFilterIndex [, strDefPath [, strDefFolder [, strDefExt ]]]]]]] )
Return Values¶