PivotTable Method (Document Object)¶
Creates a pivot table in the CSV document. iRow Specifies the index of the column of the CSV document to be extended to the rows in a new pivot table. iColumn Specifies the index of the column of the CSV document to be extended to the columns in a new pivot table. iValue Specifies the index of the column of the CSV document to be extended to the values in a new pivot table. nFlags Specifies a combination of following values. eePivotTypeCount The number of values. eePivotTypeSum The sum of the values. eePivotTypeAverage The average of the values. eePivotTypeMax The largest value. eePivotTypeMin The smallest value. eePivotTotalRows Displays the total row values. eePivotTotalColumns Displays the total column values. strSortRow Specifies a string containing a flag to be applied to the row. If this is empty or omitted, no sort will be performed. Syntax: option (+/-) option: select one of the sorting options from the table below: A Sorts text. D Sorts date and time. I Sorts IPv4 addresses. P Sorts IPv6 addresses. L Sorts strings by the number of characters. N Sorts numbers. O Sorts by occurrence. W Sorts strings by the number of words. (+/-): select one of the sorting options from the table below: + Ascending order. - Descending order. For example: A+ Sorts text in ascending order. N- Sorts numbers in descending order. nSortRowFlags You can specify a combination of the following values to be applied to the row. These flags can be specified only if strSortRow is not empty. This parameter can be omitted. eeSortBinaryComparison A faster binary sort algorithm, which ignores locale information, is used for sorting. eeSortDigitsAsNumbers Digits are sorted as numbers even when sorted by alphabetical order. A leading negative sign and leading decimal point are not part of the number. eeSortGroupIdentical Groups identical strings when sorted by occurrence. eeSortIgnoreCase Case is ignored. eeSortIgnoreKanaType Hiragana and Katakana characters compare as equal. eeSortIgnoreNonSpace Nonspacing characters are ignored. eeSortIgnoreSymbols Symbols are ignored. eeSortIgnoreWidth The difference between half-width and full-width characters is ignored. eeSortIgnorePrefix Leading non-numeric characters are ignored when sorted by numbers. eeSortLengthView Full width characters are treated as 2 characters when sorted by lengths. eeSortStable Use stable sort to maintain the relative order of identical records. Stable sorting is slower. eeSortStringSort Hyphen and apostrophe are treated as normal characters. strSortColumn Specifies a string containing a flag to be applied to the column. The format is the same as the strSortRow parameter. If this is empty or omitted, no sort will be performed. nSortColumnFlags You can specify values to be applied to the column. These flags are the same as nSortRowFlags, and can be specified only if strSortColumn is not empty. This parameter can be omitted. strLocale Specifies the locale used for sorting, for example: "en-US". If this is empty or omitted, the locale specified in the "Sort" tab in the Customize dialog box is used. strTotalRowLabel Specifies the heading label for the total row values. This parameter is used only if eePivotTotalRows is specified in the nFlags parameter. strTotalColLabel Specifies the heading label for the total column values. This parameter is used only if eePivotTotalColumns is specified in the nFlags parameter. nDecimalPlaces Specifies the decimal places of the values. Creates a pivot table by setting the first column of the CSV document to the row of the new pivot table, the second column to the column, and the third column to the values. Sorts text in both rows and columns in ascending order by a faster binary sort algorithm. Displays the grand totals. Supported on EmEditor Professional Version 21.4 or later.¶
document.PivotTable( iRow, iColumn, iValue, nFlags, strSortRow, nSortRowFlags, strSortColumn, nSortColumnFlags, strLocale, strTotalRowLabel, strTotalColLabel, nDecimalPlaces );
document.PivotTable iRow, iColumn, iValue, nFlags, strSortRow, nSortRowFlags, strSortColumn, nSortColumnFlags, strLocale, strTotalRowLabel, strTotalColLabel, nDecimalPlaces
document.PivotTable( 1, 2, 3, eePivotTypeSumInt | eePivotTotalRows | eePivotTotalColumns, "A+", eeSortBinaryComparison, "A+", eeSortBinaryComparison, "", "Grand Total", "Grand Total" );
document.PivotTable 1, 2, 3, eePivotTypeSumInt Or eePivotTotalRows Or eePivotTotalColumns, "A+", eeSortBinaryComparison, "A+", eeSortBinaryComparison, "", "Grand Total", "Grand Total"