Frequently Asked Questions¶
- Q. How can I disable adjusting column positions when opening CSV files?
- Q. How can I disable CSV detections?
- Q. How can I display only empty cells in a column?
- Q. How can I enable TSV (tab-separated) file detections?
- Q. How can I open Excel files with EmEditor?
- Q. How can I filter a column by a certain range of numbers?
- Q. How can I round numbers in a column to 2 decimal places?
- Customize
- Q. Why is there no ASP configuration?
- Q. How can I copy configuration properties on one machine to another?
- Q. Double-clicking a tab causes to create a new window. Can you disable this behavior?
- Q. How can I make the year appear as 4 digits when I insert dates?
- Q. There is no encoding available in the Reload sub menu under the File menu except Same Encoding, Detect All, System Default, UTF-16LE, UTF-16BE, UTF-8, and UTF-7. How can I add more code pages?
- Q. CTRL + Mouse Wheel can change the font size, but can you disable this?
- Q. What are "HTML" and "HTML-Embedded" in the Special Syntax combo box on the Highlight (2) page of Properties?
- Q. How can I open the Input Method Editor (IME) automatically when running EmEditor?
- Q. How can my favorite mail software run when clicking mail addresses?
- Q. Can EmEditor encode Unicode characters as "Numerical Character References" (NCRs - those &#xxx; codes) when saving HTML or XML files?
- Q. After updating EmEditor to the newest version, how can I add the new commands to a menu or add the new keyboard shortcuts?
- Q. How can I define two-keystroke keyboard shortcuts?
- Q. Clicking URLs will not run my favorite web browser.
- Download
- Edit
- Q. How can I select a column block of text (vertical selection)?
- Q. The sort commands may become disabled. What are the conditions that disable the sort commands?
- Q. The Find Matching Parenthesis/Bracket command doesn't work. How can I enable this command?
- Q. Where can I download Microsoft Global IME?
- Q. Can I insert control characters such as form feeds?
- Q. How can I select text with the keyboard?
- Q. I cannot paste text correctly when the content in the Clipboard has been copied from another application such as Netscape Navigator.
- Q. The paste command doesn't work.
- Q. How can I assign a shortcut key to insert a special character?
- Q. How can I sort lines in alphabetical or numerical order?
- Q. How do I insert special characters?
- Q. How can I check spelling?
- Q. Are there Undo and Redo commands for the cursor position?
- Q. How can I undo inserted strings character by character using the Undo command?
- File
- Q: How can I convert file encodings with the command line?
- Q. How can I close all windows at the same time?
- Q: How can I open a file with a certain file extension by double clicking in Explorer?
- Q. Why does neither EmEditor nor Notepad appear when I click View Source in Internet Explorer?
- Q. Internet Explorer terminates when I view source of a local HTML file and then save the file.
- Q. What are three invalid characters at the beginning of my file?
- Q. When I write a Java class with EmEditor and compile it I get an error that states that there are three invalid characters at the beginning of my class. This happens every time and I do not have any characters before the class keyword, which is where the error says they are.
- Q. What can I do to speed up opening a very large file?
- Q. When reading Macintosh text files, some characters are converted to different characters. How can I read Macintosh text files correctly?
- Q. When using a shared folder on a network, is it possible to prevent other users from making changes to a file that I have open and I am working on?
- Q. How can I start a new Java file or XML file as Western European, not as UTF-8?
- Q. How can I open from the same folder in the open dialog?
- Q. How can I open an XML file as Western European, not as UTF-8?
- Q. How do I print my document in color or in black and white?
- Q. Printing font size is too small.
- Q. How can I paste Japanese (or Korean, Chinese, etc.) Word documents into EmEditor and save as text files?
- Q. When I try saving a file as a file name without an extension, ".txt" will be added automatically. How can I prevent an extension from being added to a file name?
- Q. How can I save an empty file?
- Q. When opening a file, EmEditor detects the file as a Western European even though it is actually a Japanese (Shift JIS) file.
- Q: Can I open GB18030 files?
- Q. How can I open a file exclusively?
- Q. EmEditor is specified as an external text editor from another application. Why doesn't the change made by EmEditor reflect the application?
- Macros
- Plug-ins
- Purchase and Update
- Q. How can I find out the version number of the currently installed EmEditor and the expiration date of my maintenance plan?
- Q. What is the difference between Annual Subscription and Lifetime License?
- Q. When I try to update EmEditor, I see the dialog box that says "You might need to purchase an upgrade." How do I know if I need to purchase an upgrade?
- Q. If I purchase EmEditor, can I get the newer version for free? Or do I have to pay for the registration fee every time I get a new version?
- Q. How do I subscribe to a maintenance/renewal plan?
- Search
- Q. Why is the Find/Replace dialog box so big?
- Q. How can I erase all the previous words in the Find box?
- Q. Why doesn't EmEditor highlight string including newline characters?
- Q. How can I enter a multiple-line string as a search string in the Find/Replace dialog box?
- Q. How can the Find dialog box show the previously searched string, not the word at the cursor?
- Q. What are examples of regular expressions?
- Q. How can I search for a word at the beginning of lines or a word at the end of lines?
- Setup
- Q. How can I change the install folder?
- Q. How can I select the Everybody (all users) during installation?
- Q. What do I do if EmEditor crashes when starting or editing?
- Q. Crack, Keygen, Serial
- Q. How can I disable EmEditor from the context menu displayed when you right-click on Explorer?
- Q. Can you tell me how to install the new version of EmEditor?
- Q. EmEditor does not run.
- Q. When I try to install EmEditor, the "Error deleting file" message appears and cannot continue.
- Q. How to change associated text file icons?
- Q. The digital signature of a program files could not be verified (when the Internet connection is unavailable).
- Q. I want to specify a new folder to install EmEditor, but it is always installed to C:\Users\(Username)\AppData\Local\Programs\EmEditor. Why can't I specify a different folder?
- Q. I am using a previous version of EmEditor. Can I install a newer version of EmEditor without uninstalling the previous version?
- Q. How can I install EmEditor without displaying dialog boxes?
- Q. How can I install an EmEditor syntax file?
- Q. How can I remove the EmEditor Tray Icon permanently?
- Q. Can both the old version of EmEditor and new version of EmEditor coexist on the same computer?
- Q. The "User Account Control (UAC) prompts are required to update" notification appears when EmEditor is launched. How should I respond to this?
- Q. I am using a new version (or a new beta version) of EmEditor. Can I install an older version of EmEditor without uninstalling the new version?
- Tools
- Q. How can I run an external compiler from EmEditor to compile the current file?
- Q. What are examples of External Tools configuration?
- Q. How can I do a Google search for the word at the current cursor position?
- Q. I want to compile the opened file with an external tool in Command Prompt, but how can I keep the Command Prompt window from closing after the compilation is finished?
- Troubleshooting
- Q. When I try to launch EmEditor, it is trying to load very large files. Can you disable this?
- Q. An Error message similar to "The paging file is too small for this operation to complete" appears when I try opening a very large file. How can I fix this error?
- Q. How can I report a crash?
- Q. When updating EmEditor, an error occurs and a system restart becomes required.
- Uninstall
- Q. I was using EmEditor on a trial basis and decided I don't want to purchase it. How do I uninstall EmEditor?
- Q. I have uninstalled EmEditor. When I double click a file to open the file, my computer looks for EmEditor. Since EmEditor does not exist in my computer anymore, I can't open the file. How do I open such a file?
- Q. I want to uninstall EmEditor from one computer, and install EmEditor to another computer. Are there any procedures to follow for licensing?
- Q. I cannot uninstall an older version of EmEditor from the "Add or Remove Programs" of Control Panel. How can I uninstall the older version?
- Q. I want to uninstall EmEditor from one computer, and install EmEditor to another computer. How can I transfer settings?
- View
- Q. How can I add an icon to the toolbar?
- Q. A backslash character is sometimes displayed as a Japanese Yen or Korean Won mark. When I copy a backslash character to the Clipboard, and paste it to a certain web page, it becomes a Japanese Yen or Korean Won mark. Is this a bug?
- Q. What are logical coordinates and display coordinates? What is a logical line?
- Q. The cursor shape used to look like 'I' but now it looks like a solid rectangle. When I type a letter, it is not inserted but overwrites an existing character. What happened?
- Q. How can I decode Numeric Character References ("&#xxx") in Unicode characters?
- Q. Different fonts are used when opening different files, or the font used for a new file is different. How can I always use the same font?
- Q. How can I display emoji in full colors?
- Q. Whenever I open multiple files, I get a complete new window. How can I revert to Tabs?
- Q. How can I highlight previously searched strings more than once with different colors?
- Q. When do I use Font Category under the View menu?
- Q. When I open a file using the default settings, it becomes unreadable, and if I choose another character set from the Font Category sub menu under the View menu, it becomes worse. But if I select a proper encoding when I open the file, it works. Why?
- Q. Can I display single-byte spaces as any marks?
- Q. How can I change the user interface language?
- Q. How can I select large icons for toolbars?
- Q. How can I display line numbers?
- Q. How can I add the Marks button to the Toolbar?
- Q. I display line numbers on the left edge of EmEditor window. When a line is wrapped, I do not want to see the line number incremented within the logical line. How do I configure this behavior?
- Q. How can I display continuous line numbers from page to page? I never had this problem, but now something changed in my configuration.
- Q. How can I find the return type (e.g. CR, LF, CR+LF) for each line?
- Q. In XHTML and XML documents, XML files, text inside a tag and the matching tag at the cursor becomes highlighted. Can you stop this behavior?
- Q. Can I change the Tray Icon on the Task bar to my favorite icon?
- Q. The cursor vertical line is thin. Can it be thicker?
- Q. I don't like the new toyish Windows XP style toolbars. Can I use the old toolbar buttons?
- Q. How can I display an underline at the cursor position?
- Q. How can I display URLs without breaking at specific characters (such as , (comma))?
- Q. How can I find the number of the words in the selection?
- Window
- Q. Why doesn't the Cascade or Tile command work?
- Q. Is there a way to make EmEditor move through document tabs in sequential order from left to right?
- Q. How can EmEditor display as if it were a tabbed window?
- Q. How can I always open EmEditor windows at the maximized size?
- Q. How can I save the EmEditor window size, and always open EmEditor windows at the same size?
- Q. What is the split window for?
- Q. How can I make the EmEditor window stay open when I close the last open document?
- Q. How can I save the current positions of all EmEditor windows, and open all the windows at the same positions next time?