AI Assist page¶
The AI Assist page allows you to set properties related to AI assisted writing. If this is checked, EmEditor will enable AI assisted writing. If this is checked, EmEditor will only show suggestions when you press the shortcut key, Ctrl+Space, which helps reduce the frequency of OpenAI API calls. Use this slider to adjust the confidence level in AI decisions. For instance, if you set the confidence to 40%, the AI will show suggestions only when it predicts the next text with at least 40% confidence. To minimize suggestions from less certain predictions, you can set a higher confidence, like 80%, ensuring that suggestions are shown only when predictions are more reliable, thus reducing the number of OpenAI API calls. Use this slider to adjust the input length. Using longer input text for predictions increases accuracy but also raises the OpenAI API usage fee. Use this slider to adjust the output length. Longer output text results in more words being suggested. This page is available only when the ChatAI plugin is installed and enabled.Enable AI assisted writing check box¶
Show suggestion only on Ctrl+Space check box¶
Confidence level slider¶
Input length slider¶
Output length slider¶