Favorites page

The Favorites page allows you to customize settings related to Favorites.

Icons drop-down list box

Specifies how an icon for each file is displayed. Select one of the following options.


Does not display any icons.

Document Type Icons

Displays icons associated with the document types.

EmEditor Icon

Displays the EmEditor icon.

Width drop-down list box

Specifies how each button width is adjusted. Select one of the following options.

Adjust to file name

Each button is adjusted to its file name length.

Truncate only when longer than specified width

Each button is adjusted to its file name length, but truncated only when its length is longer than a width specified in the Specified Width text box.

Fix to specified width

All buttons are same in length as specified in the Specified Width text box.

When Not Fit drop-down list box

Specifies how buttons should be displayed when buttons do not fit in the window width. Specifies one of the following options.


Does nothing.

Adjust Width

Adjusts each button width to fit to the window width.

Add Rows

Adds rows to display all the buttons.

Specified Width text box

Specifies the width of each button when Truncate only when Longer than specified width or Fixed to specified width is selected for the Item Width drop-down list box.

Show or hide the favorites toolbar automatically

When this check box is checked, EmEditor automatically hides the Favorites toolbar when there is no button on the toolbar, and displays the toolbar when a user adds a button to the toolbar.

Add button

Click this button to add a new item to the list.

Delete button

Click this button to delete the selected item from the list.

Line text box

Specifies the line number of the initial cursor position when this file is opened.

Column text box

Specifies the column number of the initial cursor position when this file is opened.

Reset button

Resets to default settings.