Search category¶
Finds a string. | |
Replaces a string. | |
Finds next occurrence. | |
Finds previous occurrence. | |
Finds the next occurrence of the current word. | |
Finds the previous occurrence of the current word. | |
Adds the next occurrence of the specified text to the selection. | |
Adds the next next occurrence of the specified text to the selection. | |
Selects all the occurrences of the specified text. | |
Replaces the next occurrence and finds the next occurrence. | |
Sets the current word as the query string. | |
Sets the current word as the replace string. | |
Erases highlights from search terms. | |
Finds the next warning or Unicode character that cannot be converted to the encoding for saving. | |
Finds the previous warning or Unicode character that cannot be converted to the encoding for saving. | |
Erases any highlights marking Unicode characters that cannot be converted to the encoding for saving. | |
Searches multiple files for a matching string. | |
Replaces text in multiple files. | |
Sets the focus to the Filter toolbar. | |
Closes the Filter Toolbar. | |
Browses regular expressions or escape sequences for the Filter string used in the Filter toolbar. | |
Refreshes the document with the current filter settings. | |
Aborts filtering and empties the filter string. | |
Toggles the Incremental Search button on the Filter toolbar. | |
Toggles the Use Regular Expressions button on the Filter toolbar. | |
Toggles the Use Escape Sequence button on the Filter toolbar. | |
Toggles the Use Number Range button on the Filter toolbar. | |
Toggles the Fuzzy Matching button on the Filter toolbar. | |
Toggles the Match Case button on the Filter toolbar. | |
Toggles the Match Whole Word button on the Filter toolbar. | |
Toggles the Match Whole String button on the Filter toolbar. | |
Toggles the Negative button on the Filter toolbar. | |
Toggles the Bookmarked Lines Only button on the Filter toolbar. | |
Toggles the Unbookmarked Lines Only button on the Filter toolbar. | |
Toggles the Match Newline Characters button on the Filter toolbar. | |
Toggles the CR Only command on the Filter toolbar. | |
Toggles the LF Only command on the Filter toolbar. | |
Toggles the CR and LF command on the Filter toolbar. | |
Toggles the Others command on the Filter toolbar. | |
Shows the Advanced Filter dialog box. | |
Toggles the Block Multiline Changes button on the Filter toolbar. | |
Sets a bookmark on every filtered line. | |
Extracts all filtered lines into a new document. | |
Extracts matched strings into a new document. | |
Specifies options for the Extract Matched Strings command. | |
Sets the focus to the Find toolbar. | |
Closes the Find Toolbar. | |
Browses regular expressions or escape sequences for the Find string used in the Find toolbar. | |
Browses regular expressions or escape sequences for the Replace string. | |
Finds the previous occurrence using the Find toolbar. | |
Finds the next occurrence using the Find toolbar. | |
Toggles the Incremental Search button on the Find toolbar. | |
Toggles the Search All Open Documents button on the Find toolbar. | |
Toggles the Use Regular Expressions button on the Find toolbar. | |
Toggles the Use Escape Sequence button on the Find toolbar. | |
Toggles the Use Number Range button on the Find toolbar. | |
Toggles the Fuzzy Matching button on the Find toolbar. | |
Toggles the Match Case button on the Find toolbar. | |
Toggles the Match Whole Word button on the Find toolbar. | |
Toggles the Wrap Around button on the Find toolbar. | |
Toggles the Count Matches button on the Find toolbar. | |
Displays the Advanced dialog box for the Find toolbar. | |
Toggles the Replace >> button on the Find toolbar. | |
Toggles the << Find button on the Find toolbar. | |
Replaces the next matched string using the Find toolbar. | |
Replaces all the matched strings using the Find toolbar. | |
Toggles the In the Selection Only button on the Find toolbar. | |
Extracts frequently used strings into a new document. | |
Finds the longest line in a non-CSV document or longest cell in the current column of a CSV document. | |
Finds the non-empty shortest line in a non-CSV document or non-empty shortest cell in the current column of a CSV document. | |
Finds the shortest line in a non-CSV document or shortest cell in the current column of a CSV document. | |
Opens the Quick Launch window and selects symbols. |