Help category

Search Help Topics

Displays EmEditor Help Topics.

Search Commands

Opens the Quick Launch window and selects commands.

Search Options

Opens the Quick Launch window and selects options.

Keyboard Map

Displays all available keyboard shortcuts.

Web Help

Displays Web Help.

Local Help

Displays Local Help.

How to Purchase

Displays information on how to purchase EmEditor.

Go to EmEditor Home Page

Opens the EmEditor web site.

Check for Updates

Checks for available new versions of EmEditor by connecting Emurasoft server.

Customize Update Checker

Customizes the Update Checker.

Select Update Channel

Selects an update channel.

Send Feedback

Sends feedback to the EmEditor developer team.

Write a Review

Writes a review about EmEditor.


Upgrades this product to EmEditor Professional.


Downgrades the product to EmEditor Free.

Registration Information

Shows registration information.

About EmEditor

Displays version information.